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Tree lights

The perfect Christmas lighting for your tree

Lumineo has a wide range of LED Christmas tree lights, which we have sorted into three distinctive types of string lights: basic, compact and cluster.

This lighting is available in different variations: more or less bulbs and with either a static setting or with a choice of 8 twinkling settings. The static lighting is equipped with a dimmer.

Check out our range of products


Durawise is battery-operated lighting suitable for indoor and outdoor use. Simply activate the timer function and the lights will automatically switch on for 6 hours.


Eco-friendly string lights, without plug and without single-use batteries. The lights are USB-rechargeable and have a Li-ion battery.

1•2 Glow

Want to quickly add Christmas lights to your tree? With 1-2 Glow this will take less than 5 minutes!

Micro LED

This lighting gives a fantastic, subtle atmosphere because the lamps are close together. They are available as string and bunch lights.