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Blog: Christmas on the table!

3 tips for decorating a Christmas table

Christmas isn’t Christmas without Christmas dinner. And - surprise, surprise - you’re the one to host it for your friends or family this year. You’ve already chosen the most delicious Christmas recipes; now all you need to do is decorate the Christmas table for that truly warm, festive ambience.

Tip 1: Start by choosing a theme. It will give you something to work with as you select your Christmas table decorations. Do you like things to be traditional, or are your tastes more contemporary? Have a look at the Christmas trends for 2023 here.

Tip 2: Once you have chosen a base to work with, you can select matching tableware and a pretty table cloth to go with it. A Christmas-themed table cloth is already a good start for your Christmas table, but if you really want a finishing touch, you can buy special Christmas tableware.

Tip 3: Now we come to the best part: the actual decorations for the table. You can use things like mini Christmas trees or cute little Christmas figures that you place here and there in the centre of the table. Lastly, arrange a string of micro-LED lights down the centre of the table. You could use one with a plug, but one with batteries is more practical. If the micro lights are incorporated into a garland, you can hide the batteries under the garland. LED candles are another delightful option for creating an intimate mood around the table and you can hardly tell them from real ones.

And if there’s an empty wine bottle left over from dinner, you can turn it into a charming table lamp using Lumineo bottle lights.